React Fundamental Elements

1) React hooks

Masud Rana
3 min readNov 5, 2020

Hooks are a fundamentally simpler way to encapsulate stateful behavior and side effects in user interfaces.Firstly we can talk about Closures

Closures: It is the fundamental concept in js .When a function is able to remember access it’s lexical scope , then it is called accessibility.

React closures are inner functions that is used for outer function’s variables and parameters.

2) Web Accessibility

A website is created to any purpose and it is designed to used. This creation and designed is the Accessibility. React is the best to building accessible websites and it is standard HTML techniques.

Standards and Guidelines for website accessibility

WCAG = Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

WAI-ARIA = Web Accessibility Initiative — Accessible

Semantic HTML = Semantic HTML is the main issue for accessibility in a web application.

Accessible Forms = systematically use of Labeling

Mouse and pointer events

3) React Truthy and Falsy values

Falsy values are







Truthy values are

‘any number’

‘any string’


4) Difference double equal (==)” and triple equal (===) operator

In javascript double mostly used equal (==). Double equal (==) check only values but triple equal (===) check values and types equally.

Double equal (==)”

suppose 5 == “5” is true because here 5 and 5 is equal , here type is not a fact.

Triple equal (===)

5 === “5” is false because here 5 is number and “5” is string, type is not same. If 5 === 5 then it is true.

5) Map is used for looping and display all data. If we use fake data or any api (differnent many datas), then we use map to show different type datas from the fake data aor api. Map looping and show the data .



Masud Rana

front end react developer and wordpress expert . I want to learn about new topic .